Madiaf Company is the most up-to-date producer of health-oriented products in Iran.
We always try to take a useful step to improve the health of society.
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Madiaf Products
Granola is a healthy, nutritious and very tasty breakfast and snack. Granola is rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Granola was first invented in 1863 by Dr. James Caleb Jackson at the New York Health Center and its use quickly spread around the world. Granola is very popular among athletes and those who care about their health and nutrition.

Oats, scientifically known as Avena sativa, are commonly grown in temperate and cold regions. In recent years, the production and per capita consumption of this product has grown significantly due to its excellent taste and texture and unique nutritional value. Oatmeal has many uses, often in the form of flakes (for breakfast and a variety of protein bars and oatmeal granules), peeled and semolina (in soups, stews and soups) and its flour in the production of pasta, sweets and biscuits (for enrichment ) Is used. Oatmeal with skin is also widely used for animal feed and nutritious food supplement.

Quinoa is a semi-cereal native to South America, belonging to the spinach family, where it is known as the mother of seeds due to its high properties. The year 2013 has also been named Quinoa by the FAO to promote its use and emphasis on its increasing consumption. Quinoa is also known as “vegetable caviar”. Quinoa is a complete plant protein (one of the few plants that has all 9 essential amino acids in the body) and is gluten free. Quinoa is lighter and more digestible than rice. Quinoa with low carbohydrates and high glycemic index, high magnesium and fiber is the best alternative to rice for diabetics.

Chia Seed
Chia seeds with the scientific name of Salvia Hispanica is a plant from the genus Mint and native to Central America. Oval, light and dark gray with black streaks and about 1-2 mm in diameter. Chia seeds are in a jelly state in water. Chia can be sprinkled on salads, various dishes, yogurts, cakes, breads and pastries without the need for soaking because it has a chewy texture. It is also used in a variety of granolas, energy bars and nutritious snacks. Chia seeds will be unique in a variety of juices, drinks, smoothies, jellies, etc.

Pasta Since pasta has a special place in the household food basket, Madiaf Company decided to contribute to improving the quality of nutrition by producing fortified pasta with high nutritional value. Gluten-free pasta is also produced with excellent quality and reasonable price in Madia in a separate line and space for loved ones who are sensitive to gluten and celiac patients to use this product with ease.